A good source of rare and hard to find items for the Elvis collector are cover featured comics. The titles mainly sought by collectors are Boyfriend, Marty, Mirabelle, Roxy, Romeo and Valentine. Several of these titles came with a variety of free items that are sought after by collectors, these are very hard to locate. There were however other titles that are sought after that Elvis appeared on the cover once or twice only. Most of the comics were aimed at teenage girls’ but a few aimed at the teenage boys’ market also appeared. Comics were an obvious outlet for Elvis as he was a teenage idol


Cherie was first published on the 1st October 1960 and concluded on the 19th October 1963 (160 issues in total). It was published by DC Thomson, based in Dundee, Scotland. Only two Elvis cover features have appeared, though a couple of free items appeared during its short publication run. Cherie was amalgamated into the comic, Romeo on the 26th October 1963.Cherie is a difficult comic to locate, Elvis appeared on the front cover at least twice. There are several free gifts that are highly collectable including a set of picture cards that were issued over the first three issues. The Elvis card came with the first issue.

Cherie - 08/10/1960

Cherie - 08/10/1960 - Free gift packet and cards of Elvis, Marty Wilde and Russ Conway

Cherie - 15/10/1960

Others cards in this Cherie set of nine are pictured: Adam Faith, Bobby Darin and Tony Newley - given away free on 15/10/1960

Cliff Richard, Craig Douglas and Ricky Nelson - given away free on 22/10/1960

Cherie No. 21 18/02/1961

Cherie No. 152 24/08/1963

Poster given away free with Cherie - (unknown issue) Blank rear 10⅞" x 13⅜"


Girl, was the sister comic to The Eagle, and was first published on the 2nd November 1951 and concluded on the 3rd October 1964 (643 issues – Volume 1 No.1 to Volume 13 No. 14). It was published by Hulton/Longacre and released every Wednesday. The comic was amalgamated into the comic Princess. Elvis appeared on the front cover of this comic three times.

Girl - Vol. 10, No. 52 30/12/1961

Girl - Vol. 14. No. 11 14/03/1962

Girl - Vol. 13, No. 20 16/05/1964


Glamour Trading cards - 24th March 1957. Printed by Brent Press Ltd. London for C. Arthur Pearson Ltd. London. The following week another card was issued; also with 20 images. Right: an advert from the previous week. Center right: The Elvis card. Far right: complete card sheet.


Jackie was first published on the 11th January 1964 and concluded on the 3rd July 1993 (1539 issues). It was published by DC Thomson, based in Dundee, Scotland. It has been suggested that the comic’s title was named after Jackie Kennedy, wife of American President John F. Kennedy who had been assassinated two month before the comic was first issued. This was a pioneer comic that put the photograph story strip into printed form that many others would follow. Elvis appeared on the front cover of this comic twice. There is a very rare set of pop star cards that came free with the comic, only one of the cards pictured Elvis.

Jackie 01/02/1964

Jackie - No. 59 20/02/1965

This small sticker was one of a sheet issued by Jackie in 1964. Note they are using the same image as on the 01/02/1964 of the comic [pictured above]. However on this occasion the image is in reverse.